Sunday, April 28, 2013

Biggidy Biggs

Who says a Chinese-Nigerian can't be Tennessean at heart? This little stud is learning to dress like his big brothers, Grant and Blake...and proud of it! Too bad there is no such thing as deer hunting and horse riding in this concrete jungle. That's ok, his southern accent and charm will hopefully get him to Tennessee one of these days;)

Saturday, April 27, 2013

Be still and know...

Much like those that have gone before us...from Adam and Eve to our very own parents... we have a hard time remembering WHO is in control. Who makes the sun to rise. Who puts the stars in place. Who makes the rain to fall. Who is the GREAT I AM.
"Be still and know that I am God. I will be exalted among the nations, I will be exalted in the earth!" Psalm 46:10

The Whispering Preacher

As a child, I thought everyone eventually whispered when they grew old. Little did I know, there was a special story behind the lack of volume in this man's vocals.
God had a plan. A wake up call. A wreck.
Grandpa lost his voice box in a terrible car accident as a teenager. The doctors didn't expect he would make it through. God knew he would. Grandpa didn't know God. My great-grandmother (grandpa's mom) pleaded for his life with any ounce of faith she could muster in desperation. His life was spared... so that he could truly LIVE.
He had 8 kids. Became a preacher. Is now 'Grandpa Buck' to 43 grandchildren and about 50 great-grandchildren. His prayer today is that he would live to see his family spread all over the globe sharing the gospel to those who do not know.